Academics — The Epiphany School

Pre-K to Grade 6 Registration Information


Academic Information

Education at Epiphany School takes place in a faith-filled atmosphere which fosters in each student a positive, personal relationship with God and respect for others. Our academic mission is to instill and develop a life-long love of learning. The small classroom size provides a setting in which students are taught, nurtured, and challenged according to their individual learning styles. Classes in Fifth – Sixth grade are departmentalized (students receive instruction from teachers who specialize in a particular area) for Science, English, Math and History. Each classroom is furnished with a state-of-the-art interactive whiteboard (SMART Boards) and two wireless laptop computers. Our building houses a state of the art computer room, a fully equipped science laboratory, a spacious music room and an extensive library. Epiphany School provides a firm foundation for the formative years in a student’s education.



Students are taught basic concepts of prayer, worship, scripture and doctrine, enabling them to develop as responsible Christians who have a knowledge of the Catholic faith and a commitment to service. The students are immersed in the Church through daily prayer, Liturgies, celebration of Feast and Holy days, Stations of the Cross and retreat experiences. Second grade students are prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Students in the Sixth grade receive guidance in developing relationships that are rooted in respect and reverence for others. Mission awareness projects, outreach programs and volunteer opportunities are presented throughout the school year to motivate the students to respect life at all levels, and to reach out to those in need.


At the earliest level the students are taught such mathematical concepts as counting by whole numbers and using the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.The program balances computational skills, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. The students are led to develop a firm foundation on which future math skills can be built. The middle grades build upon prior knowledge in order to attain higher levels of mathematical thinking. There is a increased emphasis on word problems and critical thinking. Manipultatives, calculators and computers are used to enhance learning. The basic mainstream curriculum is covered and enhanced by an after school enrichment program for interested students.

Reading and Integrated Language Arts

The language arts program enables the students to grow in the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening across the curriculum. The initial emphasis on phonics and whole language expands to include vocabulary, grammar, spelling, handwriting, and an understanding of the writing process. The curriculum provides a multi-dimensional approach to achieving the goal of developing competent independent readers, who possess an appreciation of varied genres of literature. The use of quality children’s literature and creative writing assignments further enhances the program. Communication skills are strengthened as the students have many opportunities for oral presentations. Cross-curricular activities are provided to further develop a broad range of thinking processes, as well as to spark creativity.

The services of a reading specialist are available as needed. This service is currently only available to students from Pennsylvania.


Students are encouraged to learn and explore the world around them. Scientific concepts are taught through observation, experience, and hands-on activities. In the upper grades the students explore the scientific process through the use of a fully equipped science laboratory. Students in Fifth and Sixth grade produce and present annual science projects.

Social Studies

The social studies curriculum is designed to broaden the horizons of our students, thus helping them to realize the impact of past and present events, in our country, and around the world. Our program fosters active participation in civic responsibility.

In early grades the students focus on the world around them. Subject matters include family, neighborhood, country and famous people. Students are made aware of cultural diversity and learn about various holiday traditions. Map and map reading are another area of focus. Students in the middle years are exposed to the geographic and historical significance of Pennsylvania. In subsequent years, this knowledge expands to include the development of the United States and other nations.


General music instruction is offered to all students twice a week. All students participate in two choral concerts per year. Private instrumental lessons are available.

Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not offering a music program during the 2020-2021 school year.


Art projects provide students a chance to develop cognitive and creative skills, and to develop their imagination. Many artistic endeavors are offered to the students throughout the school year providing an important balance in their educational experience.

Computer Technology

Computer class takes place in our fully equipped, state of the art computer lab. In the early years the students are taught to use multimedia tools and basic word processing skills. They use programs to create documents, paint and draw. In the middle years the students learn to navigate the computer desktop. Using appropriate computer terminology, students identify and demonstrate the operations of the various components of a computer system. The students are able to access Internet resources and learn to format documents and design spreadsheets. In the later years the students demonstrate advanced understanding of state-of-the-art software programs including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Students evaluate information resources and solve problems using electronic media searches. Knowledge of the fundamental skills and concepts is evaluated by various class projects.

Library Science

The goal of the Epiphany library is to create lifelong, independent library users. Weekly classes develop library skills and encourage reading. We have a vast collection of books including easy readers, fiction, non-fiction, young adult, Newberry Medal winners, as well as periodicals and videos.We have complete sets of popular book series. The students check out books for enjoyment and class reports/projects.

Physical Education

Weekly gym class introduces students to sports, fitness, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our gymnasium also includes a sensory maze to build gross motor skills.


The Krazy Maze is a sensory motor path for all ages. This sensory maze was installed at Epiphany School in the Spring of 2020. This project was funded by a grant from the Tioga Tae Kwon Do Academic Fund of the Community Foundation of the Twin Tiers. This video was produced by our school’s Sixth grade students. Watch the video to learn how to successfully navigate The Krazy Maze.